What Does it Mean to be an Enneagram Countertype?

by | Dec 2, 2022 | Enneagram Basics, Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Type 5, Type 6, Type 7, Type 8, Type 9 | 0 comments

Have you ever heard of the word “countertype” and wondered what the heck that means?

When it comes to the Enneagram, one of the most important reasons for knowing the 27 subtypes is because of this thing called countertypes. 

If you’ve struggled to find your Enneagram type and feel like none of the descriptions of the primary types fits your personality, you may just be a countertype.

What is an Enneagram Countertype?

Each primary Enneagram type has three subtypes associated with it. One of these three subtypes is called a countertype because this type goes against the flow of the main themes of the primary type. 

Think of it as a fish swimming in the opposite direction of the rest of the school.

school of fish demonstrating how an Enneagram countertype goes against the flow of the rest of the types

Why is it important to Know about the Enneagram Countertypes?

Though the countertype may look different from the other subtypes of the main Enneagram type, the motivations behind what they do are still the same. 

For example, the subtypes of Type 6 look very different from each other, especially the Sexual 6, which is the countertype. This Six often gets mistyped as an Enneagram Type Eight because of their aggressive behavior. 

However, the Sexual 6’s underlying motivation for what they do is because of fear. They combat their fear by acting out against it, which “goes against” what you might see the other subtypes of 6 doing in reaction to their fear. 

Someone who is a countertype may look different from the prototypical description of the main Enneagram type. But the countertype has the same underlying motivations as the other Type’s subtypes. It’s essential to know subtypes and countertypes for this reason. 

Below you will find each Enneagram type’s countertype and what makes them unique from the other subtypes of the main type.

woman sitting on floor with coffee mug

Type 8 Countertype: Social Eight

Typical descriptions of Type 8s relate to their tendency to be aggressive and assertive. They are seen as anti-social and not afraid to go against authority. 

All Type 8s have a hard time showing vulnerability, and their passion of Lust shows up as big energy and always thinking of things in more extensive terms. 

What Makes Social 8 Different Than the Other 8s?

  • Goes against the typical flow of Type 8 by protecting and supporting others instead of themselves
  • They aren’t as aggressive as the other 8s 
  • They can be anti-social like the other 8s, but they are also very social
  • Asserts their power on behalf of others, especially ones they perceive to be underdogs

Common Mistypings for Countertype Social 8

Twos because SO8s are more gentle and are prone to helping people.

Nines because SO8s act in service of other people instead of themselves.

Type 9 Countertype: Social Nine

Type Nines emphasize their outside environment instead of focusing on their inner needs. They avoid conflict at all costs and work to create harmony and peace within their surroundings. 

All Type 9s have a hard time knowing what they want, and their passion of Sloth shows up as taking themselves out of the bigger picture and going along with what others want to do.

What Makes Social 9 Different Than the Other 9s?

  • Very active and works hard on behalf of the group
  • They are the second biggest workaholics of the Enneagram types (after 3s)
  • Work hard without letting others see how stressful it is for them 
  • They are the most available of the 9s to the needs of others

Common Mistypings for Countertype Social 9

Threes because of SO9s’ hard-working nature.

Twos because of SO9’s proneness to focus on the good of the group and helping others.

Type 1 Countertype: Sexual One

Types Ones focus their attention on what is right and what is wrong. They are hard workers who rarely give themselves downtime for recreation because there is too much work.

All Type 1s struggle with anger, though they often don’t realize it plays a vital role in their lives. Self-Preservation and Social Ones tend to repress their anger, while Sexual Ones are freer with expressing it.

What Makes Sexual 1 Different Than the Other 1s?

  • They are the most outwardly angry of the Type 1 subtypes
  • They are more apt to perfect others than themselves 
  • Criticize others more and themselves less (though they still have the prominent Type 1 inner critic)
  • Have stronger energy and more intense emotions

Common Mistypings for Countertype Sexual 1

Eights because SX1s tend to react with anger.

back of woman wearing sun hat

Type 2 Countertype: Self-Preservation Two

Type Twos are relationship-oriented and focus on other people’s needs instead of their own. 

Twos want to be important to others and can do so by helping and supporting others while unconsciously expecting something in return. Their passion of Pride makes them feel like they are more important in people’s lives than they actually are.

What Makes Self-Preservation 2 Different Than the Other 2s?

  • More guarded and hesitant about giving to others
  • They want to be taken care of more than they want to take care of others (mostly unconsciously)
  • Has a more childlike quality and finds it hard to “adult”
  • Most emotional of the Type 2 subtypes

Common Mistypings for Countertype Self-Preservation 2

Fours because of the SP2’s variable and heightened emotions.

Sixes because of the fear that SP2s experience from the self-preservation instinct.

Type 3 Countertype: Self-Preservation Three

All Type Threes are hard-working and focus on goals and completing tasks. Threes are often typecast as overachievers who like to show off their accomplishments.

All 3s struggle with self-deceit and putting on a persona based on who they think the person they’re with wants them to be.

What Makes Self-Preservation 3 Different Than the Other 3s?

  • They don’t just want to look good; they want to be good
  • Biggest workaholic not just of the Type Three subtypes but of all 27 subtypes
  • They don’t want to appear vain, so they don’t brag about their accomplishments like other 3s are prone to do
  • Work hard to have material security (because of their self-preservation instinct)

Common Mistypings for Countertype Self-Preservation 3

Ones because SP3s want to be good, not just look good.

Sixes due to the fear that SP3s experience from the self-preservation instinct.

Type 4 Countertype: Self-Preservation Four

All Type Fours have big emotions, though they don’t always outwardly show them, as is commonly depicted. 

The subtypes of Type Four are very different from each other. All Fours struggle with envy and a sense of lacking, though they do so in different ways. Social Fours outwardly suffer, Sexual Fours make others suffer, and Self-Preservation Fours internalize their suffering and don’t let their emotions show.

What Makes Self-Preservation 4 Different Than the Other 4s?

  • Go into action to get what they feel envious of in others
  • They look happy on the outside and don’t let others see how they are suffering on the inside
  • They are so used to holding in their pain that they often don’t even feel it and can have masochistic tendencies
  • Work hard and endure a lot to earn the appreciation of others

Common Mistypings for Countertype Self-Preservation 4

Sevens because SP4s look so upbeat on the outside.

Threes because SP4s are extremely hard workers and are good at getting things done.

Type 5 Countertype: Sexual Five

Type Fives are known for being studious and needing a lot of alone time. They are more apt to observe than to participate fully in social situations. 

All Fives have trouble showing emotion. The emotional passion they struggle with is called avarice, in which they close their hearts to giving and receiving emotions and love.

What Makes Sexual 5 Different Than the Other 5s?

  • Is more relationship-oriented than the other Type 5 subtypes
  • They are more emotional (on the inside) and experience their emotions with more intensity 
  • Finds an ideal partner with whom they can have a deep relationship
  • More apt to express feelings, likely through artistic self-expression instead of verbally

Common Mistypings for Countertype Sexual 5

Nines or Fours, although mistyping doesn’t happen very often for 5s in general.

Type 6 Countertype: Sexual Six

Type Sixes are worst-case scenario thinkers who are always alert to their surroundings and potential dangers. 

All Sixes experience fear, but the three subtypes are very different from each other in how they handle their fear. 

There is the phobic 6 (Self-Preservation) who is the most in touch with fear and attracts allies to protect them; the Social 6 who deals with fear by following a trusted authority figure, rules, or guidelines to protect them; and the counter-phobic 6 (Sexual) who is not in touch with fear and acts out against their fear with aggression.

What Makes Sexual 6 Different Than the Other 6s?

  • Goes against fear with strength (fight instead of flight)
  • Leads with aggression and anger
  • Looks strong, impactful, and well put together (as an unconscious defense against fear)
  • They don’t realize what they’re experiencing is fear and aren’t typically in touch with their anxiety and vulnerability

Common Mistypings for Countertype Sexual 6

Eights because of SX6’s propensity for aggressive behavior.

Type 7 Countertype: Social Seven

Type Sevens have a zest for life and don’t like to be limited in the things they do. They prefer multiple options and will do anything to avoid painful or uncomfortable feelings.

Sevens focus on the future and planning for fun and adventure. They are out-of-the-box thinkers who always come up with new ideas, but they’re not necessarily good at executing them because there are so many other things to focus on.

What Makes Social 7 Different Than the Other 7s?

  • Are self-sacrificing instead of self-referencing like the other Type 7 subtypes
  • Will sacrifice what they want so others will have a better experience
  • Wants to be seen as a good person who does good for others and the world
  • Are drawn to careers in which they can alleviate the pain of others while forgetting about their own pain in the process

Common Mistypings for Countertype Social 7

Twos because SO7 is always acting in service of others.

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Hey there, I'm Stacy.

I’m an Enneagram Entrepreneur helping fellow Enneagram practitioners with their marketing and branding needs. Let’s stay connected!