Enneagram Type 3: The Achiever

by | Sep 20, 2022 | Enneagram Series, Enneagram Types, Type 3 | 0 comments

The Enneagram Type 3’s nickname is “The Achiever.” This is an apt nickname because Threes focus on setting goals and getting things done while looking good. They avoid failure at all costs for fear it will tarnish their image. 

Type Threes are constantly doing, and sometimes it can be hard for them to stop. They focus on tasks as a way to avoid their feelings and will adapt to what they think others want them to be. This tendency to shape-shift makes it hard for Type Threes to know who they truly are.

Below you will find an overview of what motivates the Enneagram Type 3 and things they can work on to improve their daily living.

Enneagram symbol with the heart triads highlighted
Triad: Heart
Enneagram Type 3 wings
Wings: 2 & 4
Enneagram Type 3 arrow paths on Enneagram symbol
Arrows: 6 & 9

Enneagram Type 3’s Focus of Attention

Making Goals and Completing Tasks

Type Threes are focused on appearing successful and aren’t afraid to talk about their achievements and accomplishments.
Threes want to look competent in the eyes of others. They are constantly working on goals and getting things done and doing so efficiently.


To Type Threes, emotions get the way of doing, so they work (sometimes too much) to avoid feeling.
Threes workaholic tendencies help them become successful, but sometimes it can come at a cost to their relationships.

Their Image

Type Threes like to create a particular image of themselves depending on the context of any given setting. They can walk into any room, read the energy of the people they come in contact with, and adapt accordingly.
Sometimes Threes can be more concerned about their image than they are with the emotions or needs of others.

Type 3’s Passion: Self-Deceit

Woman Typing on LaptopThe passion (or vice) of Enneagram Type 3 is self-deceit. (Learn about the Enneagram Type Passions here.)

Threes are master shape-shifters able to alter their appearance and behaviors based on who they think the person they’re interacting with wants them to be.

This causes Threes not to know who they are because they consistently change their personality from one person to the next, hence the passion of self-deceit.

 The cause of their shape-shifting comes from wanting to create an ideal image so that others will approve of them.

Threes get so tied up in this “perfect” image that they identify with this persona and forget who they truly are.

Type 3’s Strengths and Struggles


Things for Enneagram Type 3 to Work On

> Give yourself permission to slow down and stop doing. Instead, spend time getting in touch with your feelings and figuring out what they mean to you.

> Start asking yourself, “Who am I?” to get more in touch with who you really are, not who you portray yourself as. Have conversations about it with the people who know you best.
> Try to understand that work isn’t everything. Things will get done, even if it’s not always by you. Let yourself be “useless” and let others do more. 

If Someone You Love is a Type 3

  • Create a safe space for your Three to let them explore who they really are. Be open and honest with them through the process but also use a gentle approach. Once Threes can get in touch with their feelings, it might open the floodgates. 
  • Make sure to recognize and validate your Three for their efforts. They want to know that they are appreciated. Sometimes they can do so much that we can take advantage and not recognize their efforts for all they do for us.

““In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

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