The Subtypes of Enneagram Type Eight

by | Nov 25, 2022 | Enneagram Series, Type 8 | 0 comments

The subtypes of Enneagram Type Eight are similar yet very different from each other. 

Enneagram Type 8 is known as “The Challenger.” Though it’s hard for Eights to show vulnerability, they are actually quite sensitive and will do anything to protect those they love. They are not afraid to be assertive or step in when someone is picked on.

All Eights are excessive in the things they do because of their passion of lust, but each of Type 8’s three subtypes is exorbitant in something different. 

Below you will find more information about each of the subtypes of Type Eight, including their focus of attention, common characteristics, and the specific growth path for each.

Computer and water glasses on desk


SP8's Focus of Attention

Self-Preservation Eights focus on procuring material security and getting their needs met to feel safe. They go after what they need in a very direct way and can be impatient if they don’t get it right away.

SP8 Common Characteristics

> Being Guarded

Self-Preservation Eights can be guarded and untrusting of others. They’re not as forthcoming with sharing information about themselves and are quieter than the other Type 8 subtypes.
SP8s can sometimes be mistyped as Fives because of their quiet and controlled nature.

> Get What They Want

All Eights are good at making things happen, and the SP8 is particularly good at getting what they want.
Self-Preservation 8s are good at bartering and making deals to get what they need. However, they’re happier making things happen if they don’t have to talk to others and get consent about it first.

> Contained Energy

Self-Preservation Eights aren’t as open with their big energy as the other Type 8 subtypes, choosing instead to keep it contained and private. They don’t feel the need to have power over other people, especially groups.

Growth Path for SP8

  • Be less pragmatic and practical, and be a little more abstract in your thinking. 
  • Try to get more in touch with your feelings, especially ones that make you feel vulnerable, and practice expressing these emotions to your loved ones. 
  • Put more trust in others to help you meet your needs instead of always relying on yourself.
Overhead view of two women working on their computers


SO8's Focus of Attention

Social 8s focus their attention on supporting and protecting others, especially those in their inner circle. They feel a big responsibility to protect and aren’t afraid to step in when they see someone being taken advantage of.

SO8 Common Characteristics

> Good Mentor

Social Nines are one of the hardest working of all the subtypes on the Enneagram. In fact, they are runners-up only to Type Threes when it comes to being a workaholic.

SO9s find comfort in working and staying busy. It helps distract them from themselves.

> Social/Antisocial

Social 8s are comfortable being among other people but are just as comfortable being alone. They consider themselves to be ambiverts instead of labeling themselves as introverted or extroverted.

> Lack of Self-Care

Like all Type Eights, Social 8s find it hard to show vulnerability. They are great at taking care of others but not so great at letting others take care of them.

Growth Path for SO8

  • Step back from your role of matriarch/patriarch and try to be as concerned with your own needs as you are with others.
  • Get in touch with your vulnerability and need for support.
  • Let others take care of you for a change! 
Woman on stage in front of a crowd


SX8's Focus of Attention

Sexual 8s focus on power and control and how to use it to put themselves in an influential position. They like to express themselves to attract and make people pay attention to what they have to say so they can make a profound impact.

SX8 Common Characteristics

> Big Energy

Sexual Eights have big energy and are more magnetic and colorful than the other Type 8 subtypes. They feed off of the energy of others, causing them to feel more energized. When Sexual 8s do something, they do it to the fullest capacity with no in-between.

> Charisma

Sexual 8s are very charismatic as a way to be influential and attractive to others. They like to be in the middle of things and enjoy being on stage and possessing everyone’s attention, even if others find them provocative. They would rather be unliked than forgotten.

> Intense Emotions

Sexual 8s feel their emotions more intensely than the other Eights, especially anger. The Sexual 8 often acts and feels before thinking, without realizing this causes others to be intimidated by them.

Growth Path for SX8

  • Stop controlling the people with whom you are closest. 
  • Be more mindful of your intense energy and how you channel it. Notice when it happens and how it affects the people around you. 
  • Learn to let others take leadership instead of managing every situation you find yourself in.

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