The Subtypes of Enneagram Type Seven

by | Jan 3, 2023 | Enneagram Series, Type 7 | 0 comments

The subtypes of Enneagram Type Seven are similar yet very different from each other. 

Enneagram Type 7 is known as “The Enthusiast.” Sevens focus on the positive of what life offers while forgetting their pain in the process.

Sevens don’t like to feel limited, so they prefer to have multiple choices/options in any given situation.

All Sevens avoid painful feelings and negativity in general, but each of Type 7’s three subtypes does so differently.

Below you will find more information about each of the subtypes of Type Seven, including their focus of attention, common characteristics, and the specific growth path for each.

woman typing on her laptop


SP7's Focus of Attention

Self-Preservation 7s focus on getting their needs met in interesting and creative ways. This includes networking and finding opportunities to help them advance and feel cared for.
SP7s are good at meeting their needs by making things happen and finding resources and opportunities that will help them succeed.

SP7 Common Characteristics

> Networking

Self-Preservation Sevens are great networkers. They seem to know everyone and aren’t afraid to reach out to people they feel can help them.
SP7’s are great at making connections and creating opportunities for themselves through the people they know.

> Pragmatic and Practical

Self-Preservation Sevens are better about living in reality than living in their imagination. They are more grounded, and while they see the positive in everything, they can also see the negative.
They’re also great with coming up with ideas and starting projects (like all 7s) but also are more likely to finish what they start (unlike the other Type 7 subtypes).

> Self-Interested

All Type 7s are self-interested to some degree, but the Self-Preservation Seven is the most self-interested of all 27 subtypes.
These Sevens are oriented to their inner experience and getting what they need/want. Because of their self-interest, SP7s can have a hard time feeling empathy for others.

Growth Path for SP7

  • Be less pragmatic and more idealistic
  • Look at doing things for other people instead of constantly finding ways for people to help you
  • Be more generous and less self-interested


SO7's Focus of Attention

Social 7s focus on how to make others happy and create positive experiences for those around them. These Sevens want to take the pain away from the world and are comfortable sitting with others in their distress and trying to make them feel good.

SO7 Common Characteristics

> Self-Sacrificing

Social Sevens tend to put others’ needs before their own. Because they are more concerned about the well-being of everyone else around them, SO7s forget to do things for themselves. They’re most concerned that everyone around them is okay in order to avoid any kind of pain.

> Group-Oriented

Social Sevens are gregarious and prefer to serve a group of people instead of individually. They like to be a part of a group and are good at tuning in to what the group wants or needs. SO7s like to see people enjoying themselves or having a good experience.

> Want to be Seen as Good

The Social Seven is okay with sacrificing themselves and meeting the needs of others because they want to be seen as a good person.
Their motives are not altruistic; they do things for the group in order to be seen as nice. However, unlike Type 2, the SO7 doesn’t need to be acknowledged for their good deeds.

Growth Path for SO7

  • Be more selfish! Know that it’s okay to do things for yourself instead of always helping others.
  • Don’t do so much for others when you are the one in need. Acknowledge your own painful feelings and let others help you through it as you help them with their pain.
table with glasses on top of books


SX7's Focus of Attention

Sexual 7s focus on seeing the world in favorable terms. They are idealistic dreamers who tend to live in their imaginations. 
SX7s need to find ways to be happy to avoid any kind of pain. They always put a positive spin on things and envision any scenario’s positive possibilities.

SX7 Common Characteristics

> Idealistic

Sexual Sevens tend to see the world as they want to perceive instead of how it actually is. Unlike their practical Self-Preservation Seven counterpart, Sexual Sevens would rather focus on how life could be instead of how it is.

> Naive

Because they prefer to look at the world in a more positive light, Sexual Sevens can have a hard time seeing what’s not working in the present moment.
SX7s can be naive and easily talked into things because they want to see the best in everyone and everything. Their nickname is “suggestibility” because they can be gullible and easy to hypnotize.

> Overly Optimistic

Always thinking about the future, SX7s fantasize about what great and exciting things will happen.
These Sevens are apt to be too happy and overly excited about everything. They tend to skip over the practical details of a situation because they’re more eager about how amazing it will be.

Growth Path for SX7

  • Be more pragmatic and less idealistic.
  • Find evidence of what is happening in the here and now without going to your imagination of what could be.

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I’m an Enneagram Entrepreneur helping fellow Enneagram practitioners with their marketing and branding needs. Let’s stay connected!