The Subtypes of Enneagram Type Six

by | Jan 10, 2023 | Enneagram Series, Type 6 | 0 comments

The subtypes of Enneagram Type Six are very different from each other. Enneagram Type 6 is also known as “The Loyalist.”

Sixes are constantly scanning their surrounding for threats and danger. They feel that anything bad can happen at any moment, and they need to be prepared for it when it does.

This makes them great at troubleshooting because they naturally see potential risks and plan ahead on ways to mitigate any situation. 

The three subtypes of Type 6 are distinct from each other. All Sixes struggle with fear; each reacts to and deals with it in very different ways.

Below you will find more information about each of the subtypes of Enneagram Type Nine, including their focus of attention, common characteristics, and the specific growth path for each.

woman pulling back her hair


SP6's Focus of Attention

Self-Preservation Sixess focus on relating to others to protect themselves against impending threats.
SP6s come off as warm and friendly as a way to turn potential attackers/enemies into allies/friends. These Sixes look at how they can befriend each person they encounter and gain a protector in the process.

SP6 Common Characteristics

> Phobic

Self-Preservation Six is the most conscious of their fear of Type 6 subtypes. They are always fearful and constantly play out worst-case scenarios in their head.
Their mind works in overdrive on how any situation will play out and how they can keep themselves safe from threats or dangers.

> Non-Aggressive

Anger is an emotion that Self-Preservations Sixes aren’t typically in touch with. They feel if they get angry or aggressive, someone else might get angry back at them – something the SP6 greatly fears.
It’s why they choose warmth as a defense and can even become more friendly when they feel threatened.

> Doubt Everything

Self-Preservation Sixes doubt and question everything, including themselves. They even doubt their doubt!
SP6s ask many questions of other people but don’t answer questions themselves because they doubt their own answers. They want certainty but almost always never find it.

Growth Path for SP6

  • Stop questioning so much. Make more affirmations, such as “I will trust more in others and myself.”
  • Share your opinion, even if you’re unsure about it. This will help with your tendency to self-doubt.
  • Own your authority. Step out from behind others’ shadows and take the lead.


SO6's Focus of Attention

Social Sixes focus on finding a good authority figure or set of rules or reference points they can turn to when they want to feel safe. They also look for things they’re not doing that can be done, especially for those they feel responsible for.
This Six is intellectual and goes to knowledge and learning as another defense against their fear. 

SO6 Common Characteristics

> Responsible

Social Sixes feel an inner responsibility to care for people, especially those they are close with. They aren’t afraid to sacrifice themselves for the good of the group because they ultimately want to ensure the group is being taken care of.

SO6s often wonder if they’re responsible enough and will go out of their way to ensure everyone else is okay before thinking about their own needs.

> Problem-Solver

Like all Sixes, the Social Six subtype is great at problem-solving. SO6s figure out what could go wrong and plan for ways to protect themselves and others they feel responsible for.
To get to the crux of an issue, Social Sixes will often play “devil’s advocate,” in which they will challenge what the other person is saying to find gaps and test the other person’s argument.

> Trust in Authority

Social Sixes look for a good authority (a person, an ideology, or a system) to follow that they can put their belief and trust in.
When a Social 6 knows the rules and guidelines of this authority, they feel like they can relax a bit because the authority will tell them what to do when the SO6 is afraid.
However, they can be too trusting in authorities while not trusting their own inner authority.

Growth Path for SO6

  • Stop relying on rules and authority so much. Learn to trust your gut and instincts.
  • Give up trying to find an ideal authority figure. It doesn’t exist.
  • Give yourself a break from feeling the need to be responsible all the time. Relax and have more fun!
Woman holding out her hand to say no


SX6's Focus of Attention

Sexual Sixes avoid looking weak by focusing on asserting strength and power over any type of threat.
These Sixes prepare for potential attacks by making themselves look intimidating. This can include going to the gym and working to make their muscles big or wearing powerful-looking clothes such as a nice suit. They feel if they look a certain way, no one will be tempted to bother them.

SX6 Common Characteristics

> Counterphobic

Sexual Sixes are the least in touch with their fear. They present themselves as intimidating and strong to ward off perceived threats.
SX6s are considered “counterphobic” because they fight fear head-on instead of running away from it. To these Sixes, the best defense is a good offense.

> Rebellious

Unlike Social Sixes who rely on authority for their safety, Sexual Sixes have issues with authority and don’t like being told what to do.
SX6s don’t want to feel controlled, manipulated, or “tricked” by an authority figure and therefore aren’t afraid to rebel and stand up for themselves. This is one reason why Sexual 6 is often mistyped as Type 8.

> Contrarian

While all Sixes tend towards contrarian thinking, Sexual Sixes outwardly show it the most.
SX6s automatically react to taking the other side of an issue when talking to someone. They may do this to gauge whether the person is trustworthy since the Sexual Six is very slow to trust. They have an easier time trusting in themselves than in others. 

Growth Path for SX6

  • Moderate your reactions and try to remain calm. Notice when you have the urge to go into attack mode and stay where you are instead.
  • Get in touch with your vulnerability by showing more of your soft side to other people.
  • Be more conscious of your fear and how it comes up for you. Learn how to respond instead of react when you feel threatened.

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Hey there, I'm Stacy.

I’m an Enneagram Entrepreneur helping fellow Enneagram practitioners with their marketing and branding needs. Let’s stay connected!