The Subtypes of Enneagram Type Nine

by | Oct 28, 2022 | Enneagram Series, Type 9 | 0 comments

The subtypes of Type Nine are similar yet very different from each other. 

Enneagram Type 9 is also known as “The Peacemaker.” When in personality, Nines fall asleep to their needs and focus on their external environment.

Nines avoid conflict and anything that can disrupt their inner sense of peace.

Each of Type 9’s three subtypes focuses on something that will distract them from themselves.

All Nines tend to merge, but they merge with something different depending on their subtype.  

Below you will find more information about each of the subtypes of Enneagram Type Nine, including their focus of attention, common characteristics, and the specific growth path for each.

books on a couch


SP9's Focus of Attention

Self-Preservation Nines focus on routines and physical comforts.
Comforting activities, such as reading, watching TV, or doing puzzles, are how SP9s ground themselves and recharge their energy. 

SP9 Common Characteristics

> Comfort in Being Alone

Self-Preservation Nines are more comfortable being on their own. They need more alone time than the other Type Nine subtypes.
To them, being alone is comfort. It’s not that they don’t need people – they just prefer to be with a few people they feel comfortable with. Although, SP9s will sometimes substitute love for comfort. 

> Stubbornness

All Nines have an underlying relationship with anger, and for the Self Preservation 9, their anger often comes out as stubbornness.
If an SP9 feels pressured into doing something, they can be stubborn and refuse to move. They can also act out their anger by being passive-aggressive.
Because of their stubbornness, Self-Preservation Nines can sometimes be mistaken for Type 8s.

> Love of Routine

Self-Preservation Nines thrive on routine. If their routine is messed with in any way, it can throw off their whole day, but they will also find ways to make it up.
They tend to be less spontaneous and prefer to have all activities mapped out for them on their calendar.

Growth Path for SP9

Get rid of your go-to comforts and practice sitting in discomfort. This can be as simple as swapping your comfy chair for a hardback chair for 10 minutes or something bigger like saying yes when someone asks you to a spontaneous dinner date.

Learn to get out of your comfort zone and embrace the discomfort!

overhead view of women working around table

SOCIAL 9 - "Participation" (COUNTER-TYPE)

SO9's Focus of Attention

Social Nines focus on working hard on behalf of a group, including family, coworkers, friend groups, etc.
They distract from their needs by ensuring the group’s needs are taken care of.
SO9s are the countertype of Type 9 because they go against the passion of sloth by being very active.

SO9 Common Characteristics

> Hard-Working

Social Nines are one of the hardest working of all the subtypes on the Enneagram. In fact, they are runners-up only to Type Threes when it comes to being a workaholic, and can often be mistyped as Threes.

SO9s find comfort in working and staying busy. It helps distract themselves from themselves.

> Underlying Sadness

While Social Nines struggle with anger like all Type 9s, they also struggle with an underlying sadness of feeling like they never fit in.
They work so hard on behalf of the group but never show just how hard they are working.
They try to “earn” their belonging by working hard for the group, though they still feel like they never truly belong.

> Good Leaders

Social Nines make great leaders because of their ability to focus on the good of the group.
However, SO9s don’t usually go seeking a promotion. They’re more likely to be recruited for a leadership role and feel obligated to say yes.

Growth Path for SO9

Stop participating in everything that comes your way and doing things for others all the time. Learn how to say “no” and start doing things for yourself.

Get in touch with your own feelings and what you need instead of always focusing on everyone else’s needs.

two pairs of feet in cozy socks

SEXUAL 9 - "Fusion"

SX9's Focus of Attention

Sexual Nines focus their attention on specific individuals (a spouse, best friend, parent, etc.).
They tend to merge so completely with that other person that they forget about themselves and can almost cease to exist.

SX9 Common Characteristics

> Lack of Boundaries

Sexual Nines can have difficulty setting boundaries with other people, especially the person they’re merged with.
Separation is tough for a SX9. They can be so wrapped up in the other person’s world that a breakup of any kind could feel catastrophic and as if the SX9’s world is crumbling.

> Non-Assertive

Sexual Nines tend to be more gentle creatures. They are shy, kind, and the least assertive of the subtypes.
They have a hard time speaking up to disagree with a person when they disagree with them, and may even agree with that person’s opinion to avoid any conflict that could ensue.

> Losing Their Own Identity

All Nines merge in some form, but Sexual Nines merge to a more considerable degree than the other Nines.
They take on the other person’s likes, interests, and opinions as their own, so they can completely lose their identity. For the most part, SX9s don’t realize they’re even doing this.

Growth Path for SX9

Spend more time alone and get in touch with what you want.
It would be beneficial for you to separate from the person you’re merging with to start getting more in touch with what you think and feel. It will be good for you to have physical time alone to separate and process.

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